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Relaxed performances

Relaxed Performances provide a welcoming, supportive and non-judgemental atmosphere for people who may find visiting a theatre daunting or may find it hard to be in an unfamiliar, crowded or loud environment. We welcome individuals and groups living with conditions such as autism, dementia, learning disabilities, mental health concerns, those who may make involuntary noises or anyone who could benefit from a more informal, relaxed environment.

Upcoming Relaxed performances:
Wonder Boy, Sat 28 Sep 2024 at 2.00pm
The Rock 'n' Roll Panto Rapunzel, Tue 7 Jan 2025 at 5.30pm

How does it work?
We work with the creative, technical and Front of House teams to make some adaptations to the performance:

  • Auditorium lights only slightly dimmed, so no one will be in complete darkness
  • Everyone is free to get up and down, come in and out of the auditorium and make noise when they please
  • Extra staff on hand
  • Pre-show information pack including a plot summary, lots of photos, when to expect anything particularly noisy and how to get around the theatre
    (usually available around a week before the performance)
  • Quiet “Chill Out” area Front of House for those who need some quiet time away from the auditorium 
  • Stage lighting is slightly dimmed to reduce contrast
  • Extreme sound and light effects are softened or removed if necessary
  • Flexible pricing with free companion/carer place available where needed
  • Opportunity to visit the theatre prior to attending to familiarise yourselves with the surroundings
  • Earlier 5.30pm start time

Is it right for me?
People who live with conditions such as autism, dementia,  learning disabilities, mental health concerns, those who may make involuntary noises or anyone who could benefit from a more informal, relaxed environment, or those with friends or family that identify as such, may have had negative experiences of theatre in the past. Either the action and visual/sound effects of the production, or the constraints of theatre etiquette have impeded the enjoyment of the performance. If you are one of these people, a Relaxed Performance could be exactly what you’re looking for.

Booking a Relaxed Performance
Relaxed Performances are available to book over the phone on 0151 709 4776 or in person at Box Office. As we'd like to talk through any specific access requirements and offer the free companion/carer seats, Relaxed Performances can not yet be booked onlineEmail [email protected] for more information.