A perfect show for all of the family to enjoy.
Based on the beloved book by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort
These pirates SO love underpants!
Join our swashbuckling party of pirates on their quest to find the fabled Pants of Gold for the Captain’s Treasure chest!
Dodge hungry crocs beneath Long-John Bridge, bob upon the waves of Big Knickers Bay, spot sharks in fancy underpants and trek across Three Pants Ridge.
Filled with music, puppetry and glittering pants of gold, arrr you ready to set sail for a family adventure?
Based on the original book PIRATES LOVE UNDERPANTS. Text Copyright (c) Claire Freedman 2013. Illustrations Copyright (c) Ben Cort 2013. Pub lished by arrangement with Simon and Schuster UK Ltd, 1st Floor 222 Grays Inn Rd, London, WC1X 8HB
Guaranteed to get the little ones giggling
Daily Mail


Brad Fitt
Adapted the book for stage
Cara Nolan
Jude Taylor
Composer and Musical Supervisor
Debbie Minghan
Set, Costume and Puppetry Design and Creation
Johnny Autin
Puppetry Director
Jonathan Payne
Lighting Designer
Dave Norton
Sound Designer
Wes Fife at Delineate Design
Video Designer
Edd Lindley
Costume Supervisor