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Love Liverpool is back

We are back with our collection of love letters to our fair city: Love Liverpool - A - Z of Hope. Today we're sharing with you Letter 5 which focuses on Scouse Exceptionalism.

We may be a bit biased, but we belive that Liverpool is home to some of the greatest communities that any city could have to offer. We've seen the strength of community spirit in L8 this year, as they lead the way in community action facing a local outbreak of Coronavirus. Toxteth is heavily featured in Letter 5, with a lovely thank you note to Livermore Court from Aron Julius.

This letter features some fabulous contributors, including a lovely message from our friend Leanne Best. Leanne has brought so much joy to our stages over the past few years, and her performance in Educating Rita is one that still resonates with so many who got the chance to see it. She is also a star of the screen, most recently playing a lead role in the new Netflix series: Young Wallander.

You can listen to the full letter here.