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Lizzie Nunnery singing songs from The Sum

We’re busy getting ready for our fourth Everyman Company production, Lizzie Nunnery’s funny and touching play with songs, which opens next week.

Set in Liverpool 2017, The Sum is a story that goes to the heart of what it is to be a family and how much you would sacrifice to hold on to those you love. Filled with music and songs that The Company will perform alongside a live band, it's a mix of toe-tapping tunes and melancholy blues, with a handful of dance numbers thrown in too.

Back in the day, we did a workshop of The Sum at Everyword, our new writing festival. We've included Lizzie singing early versions of some of the songs below: Forgive Me If I Smile (the Day that Maggie Thatcher Died), Poverty Knocks and One Day I Want to Get Straight.

With a lot of warmth between the characters and plenty of laughs through the music, we think it’s going to be quite special. Get your tickets now...

The Sum - a play with songs by Lizzie Nunnery is at the Everyman, Sat 6 May to Sat 20 May.