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Love From A Stranger // reviews

Helen Bradbury in Love From A Stranger. Photograph by Sheila Burnett.
Helen Bradbury in Love From A Stranger. Photograph by Sheila Burnett.

★ ★ ★ ★
"gripping entertainment"
"huge sinister fun"
"A prickly, perverse treat"

The Times

★ ★ ★ ★
"A taut, slick psychological thriller"
The Stage

★ ★ ★
"This is good creepy fun"
"Creepy tale of love and lies"

The Guardian

★ ★ ★
"Who, of any of us, could have dunnit better?"
Daily Telegraph

Helen Bradbury and Sam Frenchum in Love From A Stranger. Photograph by Sheila Burnett.
Helen Bradbury and Sam Frenchum in Love From A Stranger. Photograph by Sheila Burnett.

★ ★ ★ ★
"Captivating, chilling and charming - one heart stopping production"
"A superb production"
"You do not want to miss this"

On Stage Northants

Love From A Stranger is at the Playhouse, Tue 24 Apr to Sat 28 Apr.