Mersey Word: ‘A Lovely Workshop’

Sat 15 Feb 2020



This monthly workshop is a chance for poets at all stages of professional development to further enhance their performance craft alongside a group of peers.

Run by A Lovely Word organiser and practitioner Alex Ferguson, sessions run from 12noon to 2.30pm on the second Saturday of every month in our studio space at the Everyman. They are based on the Scratch Club model Apples & Snakes started running back in 2010 in Newcastle and are a way of responding to local poets’ needs for both skill development and community-building.

Each poet brings a poem to the session, and after introductions and warm ups, shares it with the group. After feedback, there are opportunities to re-share the poem after applying feedback.

This workshop space is an open and inclusive one. It is non-judgemental in nature, based on enhancing people’s practice in terms of performance through critical and constructive engagement with their work.

Ultimately, it’ll be a fun and enjoyable experience.

Future dates are for 2020 so far are:

21 Mar
18 April
16 May
20 June
18 July

If you’d like to join, please book a place with Alex on [email protected], and he can talk to you further about what it entails if you would like.