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Base Techs programme

Part-time ‘on the job’ technical training at the Everyman

During the 10 month programme, young people work alongside professional technicians and a mentor in our purpose built studio. With Arts Award accreditation and support from theatre staff and industry experts, participants build a portfolio of work and gain invaluable practical experience.

Marlon working as a Bass Tech. Photograph by Brian Roberts.
Marlon working as a Bass Tech. Photograph by Brian Roberts.

The programme aims to challenge under-representation in the arts workforce by training young people who either wouldn't have known or necessarily been interested in a technical apprenticeship. With real employment opportunities for technicians in Liverpool, the Base Techs programme offers a good route to employment.

Raven working as a Bass Tech. Photograph by Brian Roberts.
Raven working as a Bass Tech. Photograph by Brian Roberts.

Kieran Sing worked as a Base Tech before becoming a Trainee Assistant Technician with us at the Everyman & Playhouse. He said: “You learn how to do it for yourself and if you mess something up then you work out how to fix it too. That’s important. There is hope in this. It’s an experience in itself.” Scott Lewis also completed the programme. He said: “Sometimes you’re just waiting for an opportunity but you never know how you’re going to feel until you get the chance. It was safer for us because they came into our community. That’s the difference it made.”

Abby working as a Bass Tech. Photograph by Brian Roberts.
Abby working as a Bass Tech. Photograph by Brian Roberts.

Owen working as a Bass Tech. Photograph by Brian Roberts.
Owen working as a Bass Tech. Photograph by Brian Roberts.

Sean working as a Bass Tech. Photograph by Brian Roberts.
Sean working as a Bass Tech. Photograph by Brian Roberts.

Owen working as a Bass Tech. Photograph by Brian Roberts.
Owen working as a Bass Tech. Photograph by Brian Roberts.

Raven working as a Bass Tech. Photograph by Brian Roberts.
Raven working as a Bass Tech. Photograph by Brian Roberts.

The Base Techs programme grew out of a 2008 installation project in North Liverpool. Now, thanks to funding from the Paul Hamlyn foundation, this unrivalled technical training model continues.

For more information about Base Techs, please email [email protected].


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