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Transforming the Ralla into an enchanted, magical space with a light parade created by over 300 people

Chrysalis event (2012)
Chrysalis event (2012)

Chrysalis was the culmination of our work with the local community on a project surrounding the disused Liverpool Loopline (known locally as "the Ralla").

High instances of anti-social behaviour had led to a fear of using the cycle path created by Sustrans along the old railway line. We worked with the local community to dream of a more positive space, spinning reflections and ideas into a practical plan to animate the Ralla.

Joe at the Chrysalis event (2012)
Joe at the Chrysalis event (2012)

For maximum impact, we focused on encouraging families to use the Ralla for leisure. Several days of activities were arranged with craft activities, knitting graffiti, smoothie-making, samba music, bike clinics and rickshaw rides.

Chrysalis event (2012)
Chrysalis event (2012)

The spark we lit with the animation of the Ralla led to our next step – for the community to powerfully reclaim the space. With a negative media profile in the area at that time, Cobalt Housing and the Neighbourhood Management Service encouraged us to dream on a bigger scale.

Chrysalis event (2012)
Chrysalis event (2012)

Over 50 organisations came together on a cold night in March 2012 to reclaim the Ralla during the Chrysalis event. It was transformed into an enchanted, magical space with a light parade created by over 300 people walking in succession along the winding track. This led to an outdoor performance with giant lantern puppets created with the Liverpool Lantern Company.

Ellie at the Chrysalis event (2012)
Ellie at the Chrysalis event (2012)

Practical action to support on-going community use of the Ralla involved Sustrans and Liverpool Primary Care Trust. Resilient, weather-proof artwork was installed, created by Barlows Primary School, Archbishop Beck Catholic Secondary School and a cycling group from Fazakerley with the artist Sketchy Beast. A family-friendly map of the artwork was printed and distributed across the neighbourhood. Distance markers were designed to encourage running and cycling on the Ralla.