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Captioning is the theatrical equivalent of television subtitles. A display unit is placed either above or to the side of the stage, with the actor’s words appearing as they are spoken on stage. Character names and sound effects both on and off stage are also displayed.

Upcoming Captioned performances:
The Rocky Horror Show, Thu 12 Dec at 7.30pm
The Rock 'n' Roll Panto Rapunzel, Sat 18 Jan 2025 at 1.30pm
Shirley Valentine, Thu 6 Mar 2025, 7.30pm

How does it work?
Words are displayed on a captioning unit in English. One of our trained captioners prepares the captions in advance so that they follow the rhythm and timing of the actors' dialogue and events heard on and off stage. They liaise with the production team throughout the process to ensure that any edits to the script are incorporated. 

Is it easy to use?
Yes. People tend to follow captions in a way that works best for them. Some prefer to focus on the bottom line of text, reading it as soon as it appears, others prefer to take it a few lines at a time, glancing back and forth.

Is it right for me?
Captioning makes theatre more accessible for people who are Deaf, deafened, hearing impaired or hard of hearing. Those who have difficulty following dialogue can be guided by the captions for a better understanding of the performance. While captions are displayed in English, they can also benefit people who don’t have English as their first language, as text is often easier to follow than dialogue.

Booking a Captioned performance
As the location of the Captioning unit can vary from performance to performance, it's best to check with Box Office which seats will offer a clear and uninterrupted view. For those who find themselves unable to or indeed do not wish to book over the phone or in person, or have someone do so on their behalf, we can arrange booking via email at [email protected].