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What's on


How do I sign up?
Recruitment to join YEP Actors 14-17, YEP Actors 18-25, YEP Directors, YEP Producers, YEP Technicians 18-25 and YEP Writers opens in October.

YEP Technicians 14-17 opens in February 2025.

Are the groups accessible?
•    There is no fee to take part in any of the YEP groups. 
•    We can support with access needs. 
•    There is a travel bursary to support travel costs. 
We'll ask everyone offered a place to fill in an access questionnaire so we can best support you to take part.
If you've any further questions about accessibility, please don’t hesitate to get in touch [email protected]

What happens at the end of YEP?
Once you've completed your YEP training programme, you will become a YEP graduate! You'll be invited to networking events, receive continued support from our Young People's Advocate and access support for your career progression.  

Do I have to attend an Open Day?
No. Open Days are an opportunity for you to come and find out about the different YEP groups to see which is right for you - if you already know which group you want to apply for that’s great! 

What will happen at the Open Day?
It will be an opportunity for you to come and meet with the Young People and Community Team, see the space that we will use each week and find out more about what is on offer for you. 

Do I have to attend an audition/informal interview?
Yes. We'll meet everyone that applies for YEP. It's an opportunity for us to find out if the programme will be right for you, and for you to see if it will be right for you too! If you don’t get a place this year we'll always encourage you to apply again.

If I get a place in YEP, do I have to attend every session?
To get the most out of the programme, please attend all the weekly sessions. We do understand that sometimes things come up in your life and you might be running late, or you might not be able to make it. We just ask that you let us know as soon as possible. 
If you're in YEP Actors, it's important that you attend all scheduled rehearsals including technical rehearsals, dress rehearsals and performances.
If you're in YEP Directors it's important that you're available for one of the placement weeks.
YEP Technicians and Producers will be assigned a YEP show and these dates will be agreed with you in advance. It is important that you can be available for your assigned show so that you can get the most from your experience with us.
If you're in YEP Writers, you'll need to be available for the Development Week and Writers' Showcase so that you can get the most of your time with us and experience your work on stage in front of an audience.

Can I attend more than one YEP group?
We only take small numbers of participants across all our groups so that you have the best training experience. We suggest that you pick one YEP group that suits you the best and is something that you would like to learn more about. You can apply for a different group the following year and our Young People's Advocate can support you with this.

Do I have to apply every year?
All our YEP training runs for up to a year. There'll be an opportunity in YEP Actors to apply again for the next year and we'll take a percentage of people from a previous year. All other programmes are not able to be repeated. This is because we'd like our creative training opportunities to reach as many people as possible. 

What does the Young People's Advocate do?
We've a Young People's Advocate that is dedicated to supporting people taking part in YEP. You might meet them before you apply to join YEP and they can help you with applications and finding out more. Once you're in a YEP group, the Young People's Advocate can support you with any access requests, guidance in sessions and 1:1s to track your goals and development. As a YEP graduate you'll be able to book up to 6 check in sessions. This could be to support you with applications for work, study or volunteering, finding other opportunities and support for beginning your creative career.

Who will I work with?
You'll have the opportunity to work with all creative members across YEP and be encouraged to meet each other, widening your network and starting your own creative community. 
There's support from our Young People & Community Producer and Young People's Advocate who you'll have regular contact with, plus your weekly session leader. All our team are outstanding professional theatre makers with experience training and advocating for young people.
Plus, you'll meet the many creatives that are working in our buildings including Actors, Directors, Producers, Lighting Designers, Sound Designers, Writers, Set Designers, Choreographers, Fight Directors and many more!