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My Country; a work in progress // audience reaction

It wasn't what I expected. So for it to be that funny was a bit of a shock to me.

It was absolutely brilliant. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I had a bit of trepidation going in. "Here we go Brexit play." Just...blew me away.

It was a lot funnier than I thought it was going to be.

I didn't expect there to be so much of a celebration of what people have in common, rather than what's different about all different regions, different countries so I really enjoyed that.

It was a lot funnier and a lot sweeter and a lot sadder than I expected it to be.

I think it did a pretty good job of covering many voices.

The detail and those hundreds of voices was exceptional!

I think "Poignant" is probably the word.





Pretty amazing.

My Country; a work in progress is at the Playhouse, Tue 11 Apr to Sat 15 Apr