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A Billion Times I Love You // Reviews

"One of the most real love stories you’ll see on stage"
The Guide Liverpool

Director Jessica Meade and Movement Director Grace Goulding turn Maguires text into a ballet of dialogue
“This is certainly a story for everyone, but telling it from the perspective of these two women is of huge importance.”
Good News Liverpool

“Intensely realised”
"Both Higgins and Lowe make A Billion Times I Love You a compelling watch"
"It’s great that a lesbian centred love story is being given a prominent mainstream run"

Arts City Liverpool

"Compelling, touching and familiar... Jessica Meade’s direction is dynamic" 
"The tiny misunderstandings and power imbalances feel universal and will be familiar to any couple that have ever fallen out over cleaning protocols or duty rotas."

The Reviews Hub

"Playfully directed" 
“Maguire’s writing has plenty of relatable moments and some great comic lines”

The Stage

A Billion Times I Love You is at the Everyman, Tue 27 Sep to Sat 8 Oct 2022

Posted in EVERYMAN