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Cuckoo // Reviews

Cuckoo by Michael Wynne is at the Everyman from Wed 6 Sep to Sat 23 Sep 2023. Click here for the performance diary.

"Gloriously sharp, natural dialogue"

Good News Liverpool

"This brilliant drama showcases the best home-grown talent"

The Reviews Hub








"Laugh-out-loud one-liners keep the audience mesmerised throughout"


"Hilarious... put your mobile on silent and see it"
The Observer

"It’s the perfect bittersweet snapshot of our age"

The i

Sue Jenkins in dressing gown laughing on her mobile phone

"Sue Jenkins makes the role her own from the off and the subtlety she brings to the character is a wonder to behold"


"This new family drama is alarming, surprising and highly entertaining"

Michael Wynne certainly has the knack of creating something extraordinary out of what, on the surface, appears to be very ordinary

North West End

Michelle Butterly, Sue Jenkins, Jodie McNee, Emma Harrison.

Wynne captures the rhythms and dynamics of family relationships with delightful Bennett-esque turns of phrase

Arts City Liverpool

"The family dynamic is beautifully acted"
West End Best Friend

Michelle Butterly, Sue Jenkins, Emma Harrison

"Under the direction of Vicky Featherstone, this Cuckoo sings"

Culture Whisper

"An amusing and adept study on present British society... clever and compelling"
West End Best Friend