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Love, Liverpool: call for photos


Last year, Love Liverpool helped us connect with our favourite spots whilst under lockdown. In 2021, we’re celebrating Liverpool and the people that make it live, loud and proud, right from its centre!


We’re looking for your photography and film of our beautiful city to become part of the design for Love, Liverpool. In particular we are looking for: 

• Photos and film clips of light in Liverpool. From streetlamps to sunsets, light glimmering on the Mersey to the warm glow of your bedside lamp - we want it all!

• Photos and film clips of journeys past and present to, from and across Liverpool. We’d love to see your photos of adventures across the water on the Mersey Ferry, coming through the tunnels or trips by train!

And if we use your image in the final show, it’s only right you should get to see it!  

We will be offering free tickets to Love, Liverpool for every successful submission.

Please send any film or photos to [email protected] by Monday 17th May.

We are so excited to welcome you back to the Playhouse stage with a party all about our unique city. With new commissions from local writers, woven together by Liverpool playwright Chloë Moss, directed by Everyman Artistic Advisor Nathan Powell, Love, Liverpool will take you through a magical day in this pool of life.