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Petrichor // interview with the directors

Directors Jonnie Riordan and Jess Williams discuss creating Theatre In Virtual Reality...

We're looking for a Creative Director

The application period to become our new Creative Director is Open until Mon 8 Feb... We’re looking for someone to shape our artistic future and bring a new perspective into our two theatres...
Petrichor reviews

“Deftly delivered by the creative team. Proof that you don’t need to be in a theatre to be in a theatre.”
The Stage

★★★★ “Enveloping and wholly engaging, the performance takes place around the audience.” Upstaged Manchester

★★★★ “ThickSkin’s intense, flickering two-hander about automatons in a totalitarian regime makes gripping, immersive VR viewing.” The Guardian

“A captivating piece of escapism”
A Younger Theatre

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We’re really pleased to be teaming up with Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts (LIPA) as they host TEDxLIPA online on Sunday 31 January...
