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What's on

Fem De La Festival 2025

Thu 22 May to Sat 24 May
3 days of the crème de la crème of female comedians and events

Fem de la Femme called, and you came…so much so that we can’t fit you all through door!  Soo, we have some very exciting news for you…drum roll please… this spring we are launching - Fem de la Festival!

Fem de la Festival brings you 3 whole nights of all your favourite women comics downstairs at the Everyman. The crème de la crème of Fem de la Femme will be performing 5 utterly hilarious shows alongside a grand finale act and open mic night.  

The Fem De La Femme women comedians will be taking over downstairs at the Everyman from Thu 22 May to Sat 24 May 2025, with stalls from female led businesses too. We are also officering Find Your Funny Workshops and a Q&A panel for all those women trying to navigate the industry.

Click the links below to book:

Thursday 22 May

7.30pm | Fem De La Festival: Thursday night show | £12
Opener: Katie Gill-Williams & Melina Fiol presents Wonder(ing) Women 
Headliner: Allyson June Smith

Friday 23 May

7.30pm | Fem De La Festival: Friday night show | £12
Opener: Maxine Wade presents Newlyweds
Headliner: Josephine Lacey presents Autism Mama

Saturday 24 May

11am & 3.15 pm | Fem De La Festival: Find Your Funny Workshop | £20
1.30pm | Fem De La Festival Q&A with our expert panel on breaking into stand-up comedy | £6
7.30pm |  Fem De La Festival: Open Mic & Saturday night show | £12
Open Mic followed by Samantha Day presents Generation Wars

