Join YEP on an epic comedy adventure with Jason and his heroic Argonauts
As the mighty Gods of Greece, Zeus and Hera, play with mortal lives to satisfy their own desires, our hero Jason and his crew have to survive a dangerous journey across the seas. With monstrous Minotaurs to battle and seductive Sirens to overcome, they embark upon a quest for the Golden Fleece. Can Jason survive and return home to claim his right to the throne?
Presented by Young Everyman Playhouse
A tale of Greek Myths and Legends
Adapted for the stage by Andrew Byron
Directed by Chris Tomlinson
Performed by YEP Actors
Jason and the Argonauts
“A non-stop adventure, filled with humour, emotion, and enjoyment”
Ellipsis Magazine
Jason and the Argonauts
“A vast array of young Merseyside talent”
Wirral Globe
Jason and the Argonauts
“Young Everyman and Playhouse shine”
“Refreshing and witty”
“Captivating and entertaining”
Liverpool ECHO