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YEP Producers

...Make it happen
Recruitment for YEP Producers will begin in Autumn 2025.

If you're aged 18-25 with an interest in making theatre happen, this group meet weekly on Wednesdays from 3pm-5pm.

Sessions, guided by our team of professional artists, encourage you to develop independence, find creative solutions, work collaboratively and develop a working knowledge of the creative process and how to support it. 

This activity is free!

YEP Producers 2023
YEP Producers 2023

What will I do?
YEP Producers will include the following:
•    Developing skills in producing techniques and project management. 
•    The process of theatre making. 
•    Working alongside theatre professionals. 
•    Developing confidence, resilience and social skills. 
•    Increasing aspiration. 
•    Producing the YEP Actors mainstage and studio shows. 
•    Taking lead roles including the YEP Writers' Showcase.
•    Taking part in masterclasses.
•    Mentoring.
•    Exploring creative opportunities. 
•    Going on trips and seeing theatre. 
•    Meeting other young people and networking to build your own community and connections.
•    Engagement with the creative process of at least one professional production.    

Every year our YEP groups get the opportunity to stage their work in our professional spaces and YEP Producers make those shows happen. In a group of up to 6 people, you'll work together as a team, and independently, depending on the project. 

Is this for you or someone you know?
We want to make sure we are reaching the people who would benefit the most from this creative training. See below for how this could be you or email us at [email protected] if you're not sure.

You should be:
•    Aged 18-25.
•    Living in Liverpool City Region (Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens, Wirral).
•    Creative. 
•    Imaginative. 
•    Open to ideas. 
•    Expressive.
•    Willing to learn, play and make mistakes.

You could be:
•    Interested in a career in the creative industry.
•    Disengaged from education.
•    Limited by opportunities in the arts.
•    On an Education, Health and Care plan.
•    A young carer.
•    A care leaver.
•    D/deaf, disabled or neurodivergent.
•    Global Majority.
•    LGBTQIA+.
•    In a job that is not creative.
•    Studying or graduated and need some support to progress.

You would like to:
•    Meet new friends.
•    Be creative in a new space.
•    Develop organisation skills.
•    Understand the role of a producer and apply your skills.
•    Have somewhere to be safe and not judged.
•    Build a network of creative people like you.

Who runs YEP Producers?
We have an outstanding team of professional theatre makers who are experienced in making work with young people. Sessions will be delivered by our Young People & Community Producer and you will have the opportunity to work alongside the Artistic Team. Our Young People's Advocate will provide support throughout and can give guidance on submitting your application, setting personal goals and deciding your next steps at the end of your course. You'll work with our Young People & Community Technical Manager too, as well as other creatives in our building.

How do I sign up?
If you are aged 18-25 and live in the Liverpool City Region recruitment opens in Autumn 2025.

Interested in theatre but want to know more about different roles behind the scenes?
Check out YEP Directors, YEP Technicians or YEP Writers.

Interested in theatre but want to perform?
Check out YEP Actors 18-25.

“Finding out what you need to do to make a show happen and how much is involved, it’s a real bridge between education and employment.”
Michelle Grant, YEP Producer Graduate