In a magical land far far away
T’was Birkenhead so the rumours say
There lived a woman named old Mother goose
Who had the heart of an ox but the face of a moose.
She fell in love with Mighty King Bling
And when he strut his stuff they soon had a thing.
But they fell out terribly all those years ago
And ever since then Ma let herself go
Then a golden goose came to stay
And all Mas’ troubles did fade away
For the bird held the key to eternal beauty
And could turn Ma Goose into a right old cutie…
But alas Queen Narcissa knew of the bird’s powers…
Of how the golden chick could turn back the hours…
She had to have it or she’d go quite mad
Even if it meant being very… very… bad…

Ma Goose is hot it’s really smoking!!!
Bring you brollys for a right good soaking
But we’ll need your help to right the wrongs
Shout, boo and cheer and join in the songs.
Shake your bootie and swing your maracas
If you miss out on this… your just plain quackers!