What’s the One Thing that you Need to Say but Have Never Dared?
And Who Needs to Hear it?
Based on the original concept by Rachel De-Lahay, this series of personal letters by writers of colour from Liverpool will explore the personal and political of the things we don’t dare say. Sometimes funny, sometimes poignant, sometimes political and full of fire, these letters will be written and sealed, to be opened and read by the actors live for the first time on the night.
These 6 new letters by Levi Tafari, Brodie Arthur, Kiara Mohamed Amin, Yasmin Ali, Chantelle Lunt, Dominique Walker & Keith Saha will be performed alongside Rachel De-Lahay’s original letter, building on her ground-breaking My White Best Friend (and other letters left unsaid), first performed at The Bunker and the Royal Court in London to critical acclaim.
Black writers and writers of colour across the North have been commissioned in this collaboration between Everyman & Playhouse, Eclipse Theatre and Manchester Royal Exchange, to give over the stage to these moments left unsaid.
Theatre in this country can be so London centric. I’m so proud to see this project be taken up North. I cannot wait to hear these brilliant writers dare say things they have, up until now, kept quiet
Rachel De-Lahay
In Collaboration


Levi Tafari, Brodie Arthur, Kiara Mohamed Amin, Yasmin Ali, Chantelle Lunt, Dominique Walker & Keith Saha
With letters from
Rachel De-Lahay
original concept