Son of a Creature Man!

Once upon a time there was a land of dreams,
Where all to behold, was not as it seems!
A King fell in love with a stunning Enchantress,
Whom, she turned to a beast when
he saw her true ugliness!
The power of love can melt the spell….
Restore the kingdom so all wilt be well!
Beauty, lies in the eye of the beholder…
Will the King fi nd love or get the cold shoulder?
It’s a monster mash up, you’ll laugh till you howl,
Go wild in the aisles and best bring a towel!

Sarah A Nixon and Mark Chatterton have adapted the traditional fairy tale that will be ‘Simply the Beast’ panto around! Legendary double-act Adam Keast and Francis Tucker will be back once again bringing you to your feet to dance, cheer and avoid a soaking. With a live band, plenty of belly laughs and more than a few surprises Beauty & the Beast is the perfect festive treat.