17th Century, 24-Carat Comedy Magical
When Face, scheming servant and self-styled master conman, is left in sole charge of his gentleman’s London town house, he calls in his not-so-trusty fellow tricksters, the slimy Subtle and irresistible Dol.
Dispensing spurious charms and promises of gold, they whip the vain and greedy sucker list of London society into a frenzy of get-rich-quickery.
But when they mistakenly target a fellow hustler, the sticky-fingered trio are in danger of coming unstuck.
Ben Jonson’s 17th-century satirical farce will be spun into pure comedy gold in the hands of rising star director Robert Icke.
bold, brave and brilliant opening to the new season ... pure gold
Liverpool Student Media
Give the 17th century a try, you may be surprised!
The Reviews Hub
Robert Icke
Colin Richmond
Mike Gunning
Lighting Designer
Tom Mills
Sound Designer
Tom Mills