Bright lights, tall cranes, occupied sleeping bags, postcode trouble, love, life, terror and the value of it all…
Young Everyman Playhouse‘s episodic drama brings you something we’re all familiar with.
Things we all see every day. Things we choose in an instant to engage or dismiss.
A close look at the world and cities we live in.
With YEP’s unique choral stamp, follow an ensemble of over 50 young people on stage.
Our future is in informed, intelligent and witty hands
Liverpool ECHO
A perfect portrayal of 21st century issues, cleverly portrayed by strong young performers
North West End


Ruby Bains
Natalia Barton
Leonardo Bertamini
Ellen Boyland
Erin Clarke
Kathleen Collins
Alice Corrigan
Callum Crighton
Stuie Dagnall
Sophie Edmunds
Joseph Edwards
Spike Fairclough
Will Flush
Neve Frost
Leah Gould
Tilly Harrison
Jasmine Hayes
Jake Holmes
Emily Horrex
Poppy Hughes
Chloe Hughes
Hannah Jennings
Kieran Kidd
Emily Lloyd
Luke Logan
Georgie Lomax-Ford
Frank Maguire
Charlotte Manuel
Aimee Marnell
Níamh McCarthy
Lizzy Meadows
Kaylee-Anne Meredith
Jack Molloy
Ciará Moriarty
Azarias Morris
Chloe Nall-Smith
Rachel Newnham
Courtney Parry
Luke Patterson
Jamie Pye
Keeley Ray
Matty Roberts
Nathan Russell
Samuel Serrano Roberts
Kaila Sharples
Sakura Singh Corke
Mica Skeete
Katie Smith
John Stephenson
Ellie Turner
Laura Tyrer
Natalie Vaughan
Campbell Wallace
Owen Welsh
Tommy Williams
Matthew Woodhouse
Chris Tomlinson & Matt Rutter
Rachael Rooney
Keeley Ray
Christina Beaumont, YEP & Bass Techs
Lighting Design
Grace Goulding
Movement Director