The Box Office record breaker is back!

Away in a manger
No crib for a bed
The shepherds tie teatowels
Around their sweet heads
King Herod and a wise man
both have got chickenpox
And the Donkey’s stick insect
Has escaped from his box.

So started the story
Of our Christmas last year
Of psychotic innkeepers,
Angels in fear

It captured your hearts
With its passion and pain,
So Pedro and the astronaut are
Back once again.

Come join us this Christmas
For a festive repeat,
Of the world’s greatest story
From the kids of Flint Street.

Written by Tim Firth (Preston Front, Calendar Girls), last year’s The Flint Street Nativity broke Box Office records. For those who missed it, this family comedy is for any child who’s ever been in a nativity…. or any adult who’s watched one through their fingers.