There are those who find this hard to conceive
But magic does come to those who believe…
And so it was for Cinderella,
Who slept by the fire in a dark, dank cellar.
In rags she was forced to sweep the cold floor,
With her dreams for comfort and nothing more.
She’d been left in the clutches of a cruel step mother
Whose vile jealous rage was like no other.
She had two step sisters, a masculine pair
One was clean shaven, the other had hair!
The troublesome trio will break her heart
Unless you get down to play your part!
Scream and shout, let it all hang out,
If these are the things you care about?!
Are you a man or are you a scouse?
‘cause the Everyman panto’s gonna rock the Playhouse!
So pull up your bellbottoms, pack an umbrella,
Party on down …it’s CINDERELLA!!
Liverpool Student Media
certainly brightens up the spirits in these festive times
What's on Stage
Rebecca Bainbridge
Maud Macbeeeth
Jonny Bower
Hector/Danny Deeny/Tony Tofu
Carla Freeman
Miss Lentil/Sheila
Robert Gilbert
Prince Charming
Adam Keast
Titiana Macbeeeth
Chris Lindon
Kate Marlais
Poppy Pumpkin
Griffin Stevens
Niff Naff
Francis Tucker
Wilhelmina Macbeeeth
Sarah Vezmar
Sarah A Nixon & Mark Chatterton
Mark Chatterton
Tayo Akinbode
Musical Director
Dinah England
Douglas Kuhrt
Lighting Designer
Peter Rice
Sound Designer
Bev Edmonds