We are delighted to be able to offer partnerships working with a range of education providers from Primary to University.

A partnership with Everyman & Playhouse is an exclusive way to embed creative learning into your curriculum, giving your students access to arts, culture and exposure to how theatres work. We co-design our programme of work with teachers, making the partnership individual to each education provider giving the students a rounded creative learning experience. Through our approach of blending project-based learning with drama, your students will explore multiple perspectives to find solutions to complex problems.

  • We bring our expertise as creative professionals and theatre-makers who specialise in storytelling to enhance the curriculum.
  • We inspire and engage your staff and students to champion creativity and place it at the heart of their learning.
  • We explore creative career pathways giving opportunities for students to meet industry experts and learn about creative careers from the people doing those jobs every day.

To discuss your education needs and explore a partnership programme please contact us learning@everymanplayhouse.com