What's more

Everyword and LightNight

Everyword Presents... Stories from the City and LightNight 2016 filled the Everyman with creativity and excitement last week...

Young DaDaFest – Perform

Our YEP Actors are mentoring an inclusive acting group which meet weekly to develop an original piece in response to this year’s theme ‘Scratch’...
Spymonkey Workshop for Physical Fest

To Be Or Not To Be An Idiot

Fri 20 May

1pm to 2.30pm

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Audience Response: The Complete Deaths

We're delighted to present The Complete Deaths at the Playhouse this week as part of Physical Fest (Fri 20 May & Sat 21 May). Check out this audience reaction video from Brighton Festival...
The Complete Deaths - Reviews

"Daft, ingenious and ultimately deeply thoughtful."
Financial Times

★★★★ "Brilliantly ridiculous – Inspired pairing of Spymonkey and Tim Crouch."
The Stage

"Completely and utterly joyous."
The Argus

"Superb comic catalogue of Shakespearean murder and mayhem."
The Arts Desk

The Great Shakespearean Deaths Card Gayme

What was the most piteous death? Who just lay down in a ditch and died of shame? You will discover all this and more when you play The Great Shakespearean Deaths Card Gayme...

3 ways you can help

The Stranger’s Case sees Liverpool artists respond to the refugee crisis. Here are 3 ways you can help...

LightNight 2016: ev2

Go on a journey through space with film, lights and interactivity courtesy of our YEP Actors, Bass Techs and YEP Technicians...
LightNight 2016: Street Café

Pop up acapella performances from local groups:

The Rock Light Rollers

Ukulele Club Liverpool

The Grand National Chorus

The Liverpool Show Choir
