We're committed to being an anti-racist organisation.
Racism, prejudice and discriminatory behaviour exist in our society and therefore can exist in our organisation.
Racism is overt and covert. Systemic racism assumes white superiority individually, ideologically and institutionally. This assumption of superiority can pervade thinking both consciously and unconsciously.
Anti-racist action is everyone’s responsibility; we must work to dismantle systems of oppression and racist behaviour. The purpose of this Code is to make everyone aware that racism will not be tolerated, condoned or ignored.
Anti-racism and anti-oppression must shape our thinking and behaviours, and we aim to embed Anti-racism into every aspect of our work and practice.
Everyone who comes into contact with LMTT (Liverpool & Merseyside Theatres Trust, which runs the Everyman & Playhouse) is expected to adhere to this code of conduct.
• Everyone is valued and welcome at LMTT. We have a collective responsibility to make LMTT a welcoming space where everyone can feel they belong.
• We condemn the use of racist language, racial slurs and racist behaviour; this includes and is not limited to Anti-Asian, Anti-Black, Anti-Roma, Anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, exclusion, minoritizing, racialised misogyny, racialised misandry and masculinity bias, and stereotyping.
• We ask you to take responsibility to interrupt and challenge racist thinking and behaviour by actively learning about racism and oppression – the history and current contexts.
• We will continue to offer anti-racist training to all staff, contracted and casual, irrespective of the role they play within the organisation.
• We subscribe to the Anti-Racism Touring Rider and will continue to keep our safe spaces charter updated and available to all.
• LMTT’s anti-racism work will be properly resourced. LMTT will regularly review its conduct, procedures and policies and implement training and learning to remain actively antiracist. Where possible policies, procedures and learning will be shared publicly.
• LMTT commits to listen and treat seriously any complaints made or issues raised – this includes and is not limited to (intentional or unintentional) microaggressions, racist language, racist gesture, racial slurs and racist behaviour.
• LMTT understands that reporting racism can be intimidating. We will make the process of reporting clear and straightforward, investigate objectively and respect confidentiality where possible, and resource independent investigation where necessary.
This organisation has a duty to protect victims and individuals who have made a report and, where racism is found to have occurred, take appropriate action. Individuals who witness and make a report or participate in good faith in any investigation into racism should not suffer any form of reprisal or victimisation as a result.
Our anti-racism work is action-based and evolving.
Together with arts and culture organisations in Liverpool City Region, we’re committed to the seven pledges of the Liverpool Arts and Culture Race Equality Manifesto. A dynamic campaign that tailors and scales our organisations’ activities to drive change, collectively we will support each other to uphold these pledges.
Hate and discrimination have no home in the arts or anywhere else.