Meeting: 5 March 2024
1) MDV to arrange for 23/24 disability data set to be made available to the DAG. Estimated completion date for data – September 2024.
2) LC to share his research documents on the use of language in relation to diversity and information from the LCC relating to the social model of disability.
3) NP to contact Graeae for their glossary of terms for language use around disability.
4) DAG agreed to wait for Board guidance as to how to approach confidentiality about the work of the DAG and matters which are discussed in meetings.
5) TCT and LC agreed to attend on 19/4/24 to meet potential candidates for the creative director post.
6) MDV to review how we advertise and recruit to staff positions and to ensure this topic is included on a future agenda for discussion.
Meeting: 5 December 2023
1) MDV to add disability data to the workforce data set and circulate for a future meeting.
2) TCT to facilitate further discussion on the use of the specific word “access” and expand ongoing language review to include people with disabilities.
3) TCT to continue to update the group between DAG meetings on the progress being made with the Frederick Douglass Project.
4) TCT to look at how we signpost to wellbeing practitioners/in house support/external resources for any DAG members who require support specifically in relation to issues raised as part of their role in the DAG.
5) MDV and TCT to compile a report to the Trust Board for the year ending December 2023.
6) LC and TCT to meet with MDV to establish workplan for 2024.
Meeting: 11 October 2023
1) DAG reviewed BAMEover and agreed that it would be advantageous to circulate workforce data such that the DAG can commence a conversation about use of language, to include all protected characteristics. MDV to circulate workforce data.
2) TCT to continue work with Frederick Douglass project and to keep DAG informed as this progresses.
3) DAG accepted the template for access performances with the suggestion of an additional audio described performance for shows with less than a two-week duration. HLT to inform DAG of any proposed variation.
4) DAG recommended that accessible booking should be the same as non-accessible booking and should not require any additional steps. DAG acknowledged that the website is currently being updated to include improved booking features.
5) DAG will consult on the website update in the next quarter.
6) DAG to have a staggered membership to allow for continuity. MDV advised that the next step will be to ask for two longstanding members to stand down at the end of this calendar year. TCT to arrange meeting to facilitate this discussion.
7) TCT to report to the Board at the end of the year.
8) DAG to consider the release of an impact document stating the work and impact of the DAG as members come to the end of their 3 year term. TCT/MDV to liaise on this.
Meeting: 27 June 2023
1) DAG approved the work plan for 2023
2) MdV to define and embellish the role of the DAG and the limitations of the roles of the membership. This is to specifically focus on the DAG’s role as regards mentorship and in house grievance procedures.
3) DAG to consider what it means to be a “critical friend” for discussion at a later date tbc.
4) MdV to continue to liaise with Paul Evans to audit and evaluate our audiences in view if the ACE Illuminate Project.
5) Paul Evans to investigate funding scheme/ the possibility of an academic partner to support audience data collection/research.
6) TC-T to circulate BAMEover for discussion between meetings an to progress our discussions on our use of language across the organisation.
7) MdV to continue to review access provisions for every guest night.
8) TC-T and MdV to discuss with Hayley Lindley-Thornhill re: wraparound for High Times.
9) DAG agreed that they would like to be involved in the in house training programme (Feb 2024)
10) DAG reviewed the outline of the concepts surrounding the Playhouse feasibility study.
11) DAG agreed that future work must include looking at inclusivity and relevance in the 23/24 Business Plan.
Meeting: 20 April 2023
1) DAG agreed the amended Terms of Reference to reflect wider focus. Attendance sentence edited to “Core members are expected to attend a minimum of 75% of meetings per year (or 3 of 4)”. Maximum terms of any co-opted member was confirmed as three years.
2) DAG agreed that the Chair should be rotated on an annual basis rather than on a meeting-by-meeting basis to ensure continuity throughout each year. Teena Cartwright-Terry was elected Chair for 2023.
3) The Chair will consider ways to engage DAG membership proactively between meetings. Look at electronic distribution methods and sharing platforms.
4) DAG approved the Second-Year review for presentation to the LMTT Board.
5) DAG approved the approach of aligning Business Plan and Investment Principle measurements with the Liverpool Race Equality Manifesto as opposed to the Unlock toolkit. While DAG appreciated that approved text could not be changed immediately, discussions would be had over the course of the year to ensure plans were broadened to include intersectionality and other protected characteristics.
6) DAG considered its workplan for the year, ensuring that wider protected characteristics are now included. Potential agenda items to include:
• Considering how we gather data for each of our EDI measures. What questions do we need answered?
• Our current access provisions and how we communicate them
• Staff and DAG training
• Creative Access
• Young People & Community plan
• Audiences
7) Amina Atiq to share details of project that she would like DAG to be a case study for.
8) DAG endorsed the approach to the commissioning of the Frederick Douglass plaque. Teena, Lisa and Natasha offered to be on the shortlisting panel. Only one place available so will be discussed with Chair.
9) John Perry to send Hayley Lindley-Thornhill a list of those organisations he feels we should be more proactive with e.g. RNIB, RNID.
10) Ahead of High Times and Dirty Monsters, consider access provision to ensure we are as welcoming as possible.
Meeting: 6 September 2022
1) Recruitment text approved and to be used in future recruitment advertising(VA)
2) The new Code of Conduct was endorsed and will be placed on the website (SO)
3) The LARC and COoL Race Equality Manifesto was endorsed for recommendation to the Board (MDV)
4) DAG members to meet to discuss which other co-opted member will step down to create space for accessibility representatives (DAG members). Once complete, recruitment to be launched for new co-opted members (MDV)
5) AWF training to continue to be rolled out and partnership renewed(MDV)
6) Thanks were recorded for Karl Newsam who will be stepping down from DAG. His contribution was significant, especially during the recruitment process for the Creative Director, and he will be hugely missed
Meeting: 5 July 2022
1) Send YEP spreadsheet to DAG members (NP)
2) Karl to send through details of newly established CICs that could be potential community partners (KN)
3) Send Teena the list of schools that were invited to the recent teachers’ forum (MDV)
4) Code of Conduct endorsed by those at the meeting. Send copy to DAG members unable to attend for any further comment (DAG members).
5) Provide any further feedback on LARC/CoOl Manifesto (DAG members)
6) Staff member to attend manifesto development meeting on 14 July (MDV)
7) Rewrite Our Commitment to Diversity to include Safe Spaces ambitions. Ensure staff are mentioned as part of process. Circulate the redraft and the original of our Commitment to Diversity for comment (MDV)
8) Add the staff handbook to the Intranet homepage ‘useful link’ (MDV)
Meeting: 10 May 2022
1) Amend NPO submission following DAG feedback
2) Amend Code of Conduct and bring back to DAG for discussion
3) Progress Amal project, provided other support from Liverpool cultural organisations is offere
Meeting: 23 March 2022
1) Circulate NPO submission for DAG feedback for discussion at next meeting
2) Invite DAG members to Everyman Connects event and share amongst networks
3) Organise debrief with those who took part in leadership training
4) Discuss future approach with Inc Arts and Anthony Walker Foundation
5) Update workplan for year and circulate
6) Progress Amal project, provided other support from Liverpool cultural organisations is offered
Meeting: 25 January 2022
1) Agreed to meet six times a year. Schedule to be confirmed (MDV)
2) During months that DAG is not meeting, DAG to receive written progress report (MDV)
3) Workplan for 2022 to contain the following topics:
March – NPO Submission
May – Artistic Planning and approach
July – Engagement with Young People/Schools/YEP Development
September – Website/Marketing approach
November – Training, HR and Recruitment
• How does culture of an organisation change over five years through inclusive leadership?
• How is inclusion reflected in policies and procedures?
4) Send NPO submission templates and Let’s Create Strategy to DAG (MDV)
5) Submit co-opted members bios for website (co-opted members)
6) Invitation for 30 April event to be sent to DAG members (NP)
Meeting: 19 October 2021
1) Follow up with Anthony Walker Foundation to discuss the potential of working together on an event in February to progress healing process (MDV)
2) Schedule meeting for co-opted members via Zoom to discuss Board attendance on 2 December at 5pm (MDV)
3) Recommend topics for further discussion in 2022 and send to MDV (DAG)
4) Confirm dates for 2022, membership moving forward and produce draft work plan – devote more time for discussion and potential guest speakers depending on topic (MDV)
5) Collate bios for those who sit on DAG
6) Once Creative Director is in post, arrange for them to attend meetings so there is a direct link with artistic vision and programming (MDV)
7) Invite staff member responsible for community engagement to join DAG for 2022 (MDV)
Meeting: 24 August 2021
1) Follow up with Anthony Walker Foundation (given they were unable to attend the meeting) to see if they can attend the next meeting to discuss ways in which we can work together through our membership (MDV)
2) Meet with Inc Arts to agree schedule of work over the coming year based on discussions to date with DAG (MDV)
3) DAG members to send through suggestions on DAG interface with Board for Andrea to consider. These will be picked up at the next meeting (DAG)
4) DAG feedback on 2022/23 Business Plan to be incorporated prior to submission on 15 September (MDV)
5) NP and MDV to discuss best approach to evolving actor/muso approach (MDV/NP)
6) DAG brief summary report for Board to be prepared and circulated to DAG for approval (MDV)
7) Invite DAG member to attend LMTT Board meeting to present summary report (MDV)
8) The next DAG meeting will focus on Review / Evaluation / Next Steps and will be chaired by MDV
Meeting: 22 June 2021
1) Invite Anthony Walker Foundation to attend next meeting to discuss ways in which we can work together through our membership (MDV)
2) Follow up with Inc Arts to agree schedule of work over the coming year based on discussions to date with DAG (MDV)
3) Ensure that Inc Arts Unlock targets align with Diversity measures in Business Plan (MDV)
4) Share draft Business Plan with DAG members prior to next meeting (MDV)
5) Assess feedback received from the Recruitment agenda item, and integrate ideas into existing operational work plan (MDV) – ongoing
6) Frank to speak with Saphena and Brodie re. schools outreach work for First Light project (FP)
7) Teena Cartwright-Terry to Chair the next meeting and will work with Mark Da Vanzo on the agenda (TC/MDV)
Meeting: 27 April 2021
1) Circulate LARC statement and updated Our Commitment to Diversity text for comment (MDV) – completed
2) Take forward relationships with Inc Arts and the Anthony Walker Foundation and report back to next meeting (MDV)
3) Assess feedback received from the Communications and Procurement agenda item, and integrate ideas into existing operational work plan (MDV) – ongoing
4) SO to contact Saphena to continue discussion re. invitations for guest nights
5) Chair for next meeting TBC (MDV)
Meeting: 23 February 2021
1) Incorporate DAG feedback into final round interview questions for Creative Director recruitment (MDV)
2) Invite DAG representative to join discussion, alongside staff members, with final shortlisted candidates (MDV)
3) Take forward Allieship agreement with Inc Arts (MDV)
4) Assess feedback received from the Working with our Communities and Young People agenda item, and integrate ideas into existing operational work plan (MDV)
5) Brodie Arthur to Chair the next meeting and will work with Mark Da Vanzo on the agenda (BA/MDV)
Meeting: 8 December 2020
1) Amend Creative Director JD in line with comments received and redistribute to DAG co-opted members for any further comments (MDV)
2) Poll co-opted members for interest in sitting on recruitment panel for Creative Director (MDV)
3) Provide feedback on Inc Arts Charter (DAG members)
4) Join Tier 2 of Anthony Walker Foundation Corporate Package and allocate necessary budget. (MDV)
5) Discuss bespoke working model with Inc Arts for 2021 and allocate necessary budget (MDV)
6) Continue to discuss training needs with Cllr Joanne Anderson (MDV)
7) Assess feedback received from the Diversity Action Group within the Approach to Programming/Talent Development agenda item, and integrate ideas into existing operational work plan (MDV)
8) Karl Newsam to Chair the next meeting and will work with Mark Da Vanzo on the agenda (KN/MDV)
Meeting: 27 October 2020
1) Add confidentiality guidance to the Terms of Reference (MDV)
2) Include the rotational chair guidance within the Terms of Reference (MDV)
3) Saphena Aziz to Chair the next meeting and will work with Mark Da Vanzo on the agenda which is to include measures of success (SA/MDV)
4) Draft job description for new Artistic post to be circulated to DAG members for input (MDV/ALL)
5) A Diversity Action Group member to join the recruitment panel for the new Artist post (AN)
6) Assess feedback received from the Diversity Action Group within the Creating a Welcoming & Safe Space agenda item, and integrate ideas into existing operational work plan (MDV)
7) Consider external partnerships with Inc. Arts and Anthony Walker Foundation and recommend approach to DAG (NB/MDV)