We employ people on a full time, part time, casual and freelance basis, depending on the nature of their work.
We are always happy to hear from people who are interested in working on a show by show basis with our production teams. We employ casual technicians, wardrobe assistants, and prop makers, and if you’re interested in joining the team, please give us a few more details about yourself and your experience.
Current vacancies
Production Manager
Production and Technical
Apply by:
We’re now expanding our Production and Technical team, and are seeking a Production Manager. -
Senior Technician – Stage
Production and Technical
Apply by:
We’re expanding our Production and Technical team, and are seeking a Senior Technician - Stage. -
Technician – General
Production and Technical
Apply by:
We’re expanding our Production and Technical team, and are seeking a Technician (General). -
Senior Technician – General
Production and Technical
Apply by:
We’re expanding our Production and Technical team, and are seeking a Senior Technician - General. -
Technician – Stage
Production and Technical
Apply by:
We’re expanding our Production and Technical team, and are seeking a Technician - stage. -
Assistant Director
Apply by:
We are looking for an Assistant Director for this year’s Rock ‘n’ Roll panto – Jack & the Beanstalk by Chloë Moss. -
We always strive to be an equal opportunities employer and particularly welcome applications from ethnically and culturally diverse, and disabled applicants. Our shortlisting process is designed to remove any personal information and all job offers will be made to the person we believe is best suited to the role. We are committed to diversity and equality and expect all staff to be active in promoting diversity and supporting people to experience our work and buildings. We recognise that people who are ethnically and culturally diverse and disabled people are currently under represented within our organisation. We want this to change and have recently established a Diversity Action Group to take forward the theatres’ commitment to diversity, equality, inclusion and social justice.
We recognise that our workforce is not as representative as we would like it to be and are committed to real and positive change. What does this mean in terms of recruitment?
It means that some of the things we will do are:
• recognise that lived experience can be as valuable as industry experience or qualifications.
• actively advertise and promote jobs to specific groups or organisations.
• try to find long term progression routes within the company and identify opportunities for people to learn about the jobs we have available
• make sure that the Theatres are a safe space for all employees, and that everyone receives the support they need
What we won’t do is:
• Shortlist applicants based on any protected characteristic if we don’t believe they could do the job
• Offer someone a role solely based on them having a particular protected characteristic, even though we feel they’re not suitable for it, and in which they won’t thrive.
Most recently we’ve been working with the Anthony Walker Foundation to ensure staff receive anti-racism training, and that there is accountability and collective understanding of what anti-racist actions we can take as individuals and collectively as an organisation.
With all this in mind, we particularly welcome applications from ethnically diverse and disabled applicants, and we are a Disability Confident Employer. We are also a strategic partner with PiPA (Parents and Carers in Performing Arts – www.pipacampaign.org), who campaign to enable and empower parents, carers and employers to achieve sustainable change in attitudes and practices in order to attract, support and retain a more diverse and flexible workforce. We are always happy to discuss solutions that allow people to balance their caring responsibilities with their working lives, and we look for equity of opportunity for anyone living with a protected characteristic that has adversely impacted their employment opportunities. A summary of our formal Equal opportunities Policy can be found here.
We are trying to make our application process as open and accessible as possible, so if you are experiencing any barriers to accessing the information, and would like to receive a job pack in a different format, or would like to submit your application in a different way, for example, as an audio or video submission, then please email recruitment@everymanplayhouse.com, or call us on 0151 706 9113.

Unfortunately, we aren’t usually able to offer work experience placements to people aged under 18, but please see our YEP pages for more details about what longer term opportunities we can offer to gain industry experience.
As an organisation that works closely with young people, and people to whom we have an enhanced duty of care, we are committed to providing a safe environment for them. We may therefore, at our discretion, require any member of staff to submit a satisfactory enhanced check from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), depending on the activities they are carrying out. Any posts that automatically require a disclosure will be advertised as such.
If you have any queries about recruitment opportunities, please contact our Administration team via email recruitment@everymanplayhouse.com or call 0151 708 0338.
Disability Confident